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Guiding our school: meet the governors of Windill21


School governors are ordinary people from the local community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They are the largest volunteer force in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. Governors are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school.

Almost anyone can become a school governor and you can find out more information here. All new governors receive training and support from Ivy Learning Trust and their fellow governors. If you are interested in assisting the school in this way, please contact


All governors are voting members of the Local Governing Board. Panels and working groups are established as needed, but there are no ongoing committees.

Name Title Date of Appointment Term of Office Appointed by Declaration of interest Date Interest Declared
Sarah Turner Trust Appointed Chair of Governors 10/02/2022 4 Years Ivy Learning Trust

Trustee, Ivy Learning Trust

Chair of Governors, Martins Wood Primary School

Chair of Governors, Richard Whittington Primary School

Chair of Governors, Manuden Primary School

Trustee, NET Academies Trust

November 2023
Sarah Wood Headteacher 01/09/2024 Ex-officio Ex-officio Husband employed at an Ivy Learning Trust school September 2024
Chloe Myers Staff Governor 23/09/2022 4 Years Elected None N/A
Liz Adams Parent Governor 04/03/2024 4 Years Elected Parent Vice President, SmartestEnergy Ltd  October 2024
Vacancy Parent Governor   4 Years      
Nadia Manzoor Trust Appointed 06/02/2023 4 Years Ivy Learning Trust None N/A
Akin Osofisan Trust Appointed 01/09/2023 4 Years Ivy Learning Trust None N/A
Lesley Stevens Trust Appointed 23/10/2023 4 Years Ivy Learning Trust Director, L. Stevens Education Consultancy November 2024

More about our governors

Sarah Turner - Chair of Governors

Sarah Turner is the Chair of Governors of Windhill21 and has been a governor of the school since March 2022. Sarah has recently retired as the CEO of a Multi Academy Trust in London and was previously the Headteacher of a large primary school in Enfield. Sarah lives in Stansted and has four young grandchildren who keep her very busy. 

Liz Adams - Parent Governor - Vice Chair


Liz Adams is a newly appointed parent governor. She works in corporate marketing in software technology and most recently, renewable energy.  As a result, she has established a versatile and transferable skill set, as well as a keen interest in technology innovation and sustainability.

Akin Osofisan - Trust Appointed Governor

Akin Osofisal joined the Governing Body in September 2023.



Lesley Stevens - Trust Appointed Governor


Lesley Stevens joined the Governing Body in September 2019.  She has been involved in primary education for a significant number of years, including senior leadership roles as a headteacher and a deputy headteacher. More recently, she has been involved in supporting Primary Leaders through a range of avenues including in her role as an associate assistant director of a Teaching School. She now runs her own independent Education Consultancy in which she draws on her extensive knowledge of the Ofsted inspection process and educational research to assist leaders with school improvement, evaluation and leadership development.


Nadia Manzoor - Trust Appointed Governor

Nadia is one of our co-opted governor at Windhill21.  She is a lawyer with a Master's in Criminology from King's College.  Nadia has over 15 years experience in Magistrates' Court work and is currently working as a Tribunal lawyer.  Nadia has two children who attend Windhill21.

Chloe Myers - Staff Governor

Chloe Myers has worked at Windhill21 since 2014 and is Deputy Headteacher.  Chloe is also responsible for teaching and learning across the school and joined the Governing Body as a staff governor in September 2022.

Sarah Wood - Headteacher


Sarah Wood has worked at Windhill21 for twelve years.

With a wealth of experience gained in schools abroad and in the UK, and in both private and state sectors, Sarah brings vision and skill to the Windhill21 team. Sarah’s passion for Teaching & Learning ensures the continuous development of all staff across all key stages. 

Declarations of Interests for Ivy Learning Trust Members and Trustees

View a PDF version of the declarations of interest below or download here: Ivy Learning Trust Declaration of Interests.pdf


Attendance 2023-2024

Scheme of Delegation

View a PDF version of the Scheme of Delegation below or download here: Ivy Learning Trust Scheme of Delegation.pdf


Governance Arrangements

Information on governance arrangements is available on Ivy Learning Trust’s website

Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts, Memorandum, Articles of Association, Funding Agreements, Gender Pay Gap Report, the names of Trustees and Members and Executive Pay (Governance Arrangements).

Local Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Name Title Date of Appointment Date Stepped Down Appointed by Declaration of Interest Date Declared

Greg Foreman

Parent Governor 15/12/2020 14/12/2024 Elected Parent None N/A
Philippa Moore Headteacher 10/03/2016 31/08/2024 Ex-officio None


Hannah Milne Trust Appointed 26/11/2020 18/10/2024 Ivy Learning Trust None N/A

Governance documents which need to be available for public inspection can be requested by emailing the governance professional at