Maths Mastery
A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a pupil can represent it in multiple ways, has the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
Mastery is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice, and application over time. At each stage of learning, pupils should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.
This is not about just being able to memorise key facts and procedures, which tends to lead to superficial understanding that can easily be forgotten. Pupils should be able to select which mathematical approach is most effective in different scenarios.
(TES booklet: A mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics Teaching for mater in primary maths updated Aug 2, 2018)
Help at Home
Below are some helpful videos to support your child at home. You can view the available videos by clicking on the white down arrow in the top left corner or skip through them all with the skip button.
White Rose Maths
At Windhill21 we follow the White Rose Maths scheme which is rooted in research on the teaching for mastery approach. White Rose links to the National Curriculum aims for each year group and by following this scheme, it ensures all topics are covered. White Rose have also developed and improved their schemes of learning recently to ensure there are enough small steps in the learning so that children are able to master each concept. If you would like to explore White Rose further, the link below will take you to an Advice and Guidance page for parents. https://whiterosemaths.com/advice-and-guidance#start
Doodle Maths
At Windhill21 we use Doodle Maths for homework to help boost confidence and ability. Your child's login details can be found in their reading Diaries. Click here for some guidance. The login page for students is students.doodlelearning.com
Timetables Rockstars and Numbots
To support pupils development of numbers bonds and timetables we use Time Tables Rockstars and Numbots both at home and school. We hold regular challenges and battles between classes and year groups to motivate learners.