Empowering Young People To Take On The World
Curriculum Drivers
Our ambitious, rigorous and horizon-broadening curriculum – designed with purpose and delivered with passion – aims to achieve our vision: empowering young people to take on the world.
At Windhill21 we empower young people to take on the world as knowledgeable learners who are confident communicators and global citizens. These three competencies drive the delivery of our curriculum.
Knowledgeable Learners
- Coherently sequenced curriculum with clear progression across all subjects
- Adaptation to enable all learners to achieve their best
- Pedagogy rooted in cognitive science, for example, use of retrieval practice, chunking and dual coding.
Confident Communicators
- Developing oracy across all subjects, both exploratory talk (talk to develop thinking)
and presentational talk (talking to an audience)
- Prioritising vocabulary acquisition
- Empowering children to make their voice heard
Global Citizens
- Learning made relevant and meaningful through the UN’s Global Goals
- Encouraging children to be independent and active contributors in the classroom and beyond