Key Stage 2
- Charcoal grey trousers or shorts, pleated or plain knee-length skirt or pinafore
- White collared shirt and school tie
- Navy v-neck knitted jumper or cardigan with logo *
- Grey or white socks or navy tights
- Black shoes
Summer (May/June half term to October half term):
- Charcoal grey trousers, shorts or navy gingham summer dress
- Navy knitted v-neck jumper or cardigan with logo *
- Grey or white socks
- Black shoes
Key Stage 1 & Reception
- Charcoal grey trousers or shorts, pleated or plain knee-length skirt or pinafore
- White polo shirt
- Navy v-neck knitted jumper or cardigan with logo *
- Grey or white socks or navy tights
- Black shoes
Summer (May/June half term to October half term):
- Charcoal grey trousers, shorts or navy gingham summer dress
- White polo shirt
- Navy knitted v-neck jumper or cardigan with logo *
- Grey or white socks
- Black shoes
Uniform is optional for Nursery. However, if you would like your child to come in uniform the below is the suggested items.
- White polo shirt
- Navy v-neck knitted jumper or cardigan with logo *
Summer (May/June half term to October half term):
- Charcoal grey shorts or navy gingham summer dress
- White polo shirt
- Navy knitted v-neck jumper or cardigan with logo *
PE Kit Reception to Year 6
- Cobalt blue polo shirt with logo *
- Navy shorts with logo *
- White sports socks
- Navy hoodie with logo for outdoors *
- Navy jogging bottoms or sports leggings with logo *
- Trainers
- Earrings to be removed
Additional items & Accessories
Additional items and accessories available from Esquared Clothing include:
- Book bag with logo
- PE bag with logo
- Cap with logo
- Fleece with logo
- Navy blue leggings
- Long hair must be tied back with plain navy hair ties
- Stud earrings (silver or gold). Must be removed for PE and all sports clubs/matches.
Esquared Clothing (online)
School uniforms made easy. A new approach to sourcing your locally based, high quality and affordable uniforms. Delivered with a smile.
Macpac (online)
High quality, good value uniform from an experienced uniform provider.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are only available from the school uniform suppliers. All other items can be obtained from local suppliers including Marks and Spencer. The above items are required for PE, but they don't all need to be embroidered. Plain navy blue is perfectly adequate.