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Personal Development Lessons

At Windhill21, we believe that personal development is at the heart of helping our children grow into confident, kind, and responsible individuals. Our carefully designed curriculum nurtures their wellbeing, character, and understanding of the world around them.


We follow the JIGSAW scheme for PSHE lessons, which guide children through important life topics, including:

  • Being Me in My World – understanding themselves and their place in the community
  • Celebrating Difference – learning about diversity, respect, and inclusion
  • Dreams and Goals – setting ambitions and working towards success
  • Healthy Me – understanding physical and mental wellbeing
  • Relationships – building positive connections with others
  • Changing Me – navigating personal growth and change

Religion and World Views (RAW)
Our RAW lessons explore both Abrahamic and Dharmic religions, helping children develop an appreciation for different faiths and beliefs. Additionally, World View lessons take place once every half-term, encouraging children to reflect on big philosophical questions like “Does having more make you happier?” These sessions are closely linked to the Global Goals, British Values, and our Windhill21 Pillars, ensuring they support children’s moral and ethical growth. Our learning is beautifully recorded in whole-class World View Books.

Our assemblies follow the CUSP assembly programme, providing valuable opportunities for children to develop as global citizens with a strong moral compass. Where relevant, we link assemblies to British Values, Global Goals, and our Windhill21 Pillars to reinforce important life lessons.

Wellbeing & Online Safety
Keeping children safe and supporting their wellbeing is a top priority. Our pupils receive regular online safety lessons, and we welcome visits from the Mental Health Support Team and Retune – a local organisation that helps children develop strategies for a healthy body and mind.

Pupil Voice
At Windhill21, we value every child's voice. We actively encourage pupils to share their thoughts about school life, wellbeing, and learning.