Why choose Windhill21
Windhill21 is an academy where every child is valued; a school which ignites the spark of curiosity, creativity and individuality. It is through our inspirational teaching and a culture of possibility that the children at Windhill21 achieve their potential. We believe that a ‘growth mindset’ attitude is essential; a belief that hard work and effort leads to success, not just natural talent or ability.
Our outstanding Ofsted report (October 2018) and exceptional academic standards are only part of the story. Through dynamic teaching methods and an inspirational ethos, our children will inherit a lifelong zest for learning; building high self esteem and a strong determination to succeed. The children at Windhill21 are encouraged to explore, invent and create. By steering their natural curiosity, we inspire children to be confident, bold and resilient, needing challenge. We live in a global society and it is imperative that young people have an understanding of how their actions and choices impact on the lives of others.
Our children represent our diverse community and we value the children’s varied contributions. With this in mind, we are committed to developing an inquiry based international curriculum at Windhill21. Alongside this, we recognise that ICT is progressing at an ever accelerating rate with the capability of exciting and enhancing our curriculum. Come and see our impressive range of technology we offer and how it is used to enthuse, inspire and immerse the children in their learning. The strong team of Windhill21 consists of outstanding staff and governors who work tirelessly together using their expertise, enthusiasm and experience to move our school forward. Our dynamic approach and dedication will ensure continuing rewards for Windhill21.
Rigour and accountability will be maintained along with a will for everyone, pupils and staff alike, to continue to enjoy success.